When Suzanne Lucas‘s post, If You Think The Great Resignation Is Bad, Just Wait Until January, popped up in my feed, I knew I had to invite her onto the podcast.
You may know Suzanne as The Evil HR Lady but she’s not at all! And we had a fabulous conversation that included:
- the myriad of things Suzanne does, thanks to remote working
- how the world of work has changed from ‘being a work giver’ to being ‘be grateful you have employees’
- persuading your hiring managers that closing the door on remote, flexible and hybrid work will be the company’s downfall
- salary shopping and bonuses, and what you can do if you simply cannot pay your people more
- boundaries, vulnerability and honesty!!
Grab a cuppa, pen and paper and settle in! ✍🏻
Huge 💚 to episode sponsor WORQDRIVE Shift: Your Talent Strategy! Imagine Internal Mobility your employees will actually rally behind.