Power of Prayers

Power of Prayers

We are all spiritual beings on a human experience and not otherwise. And to experience this we are being blessed with the power of prayers. And this power can bring anything we want in our life. Even though it might seem impossible but dont know what magic it has but prayers turn things in your favour. The only condition is, that the prayers has to be extremely genuine. Sharing a small story which might restore your faith, if you had lost it and grow your faith if you already have it. Listen to the episode and share your experience.

We are all spiritual beings on a human experience and not otherwise. And to experience this we are being blessed with the power of prayers. 

And this power can bring anything we want in our life. Even though it might seem impossible but dont know what magic it has but prayers turn things in your favour. The only condition is, that the prayers has to be extremely genuine. 

Sharing a small story which might restore your faith, if you had lost it and grow your faith if you already have it.

Listen to the episode and share your experience.