Valentines Day Special ft. Sarang Sathye and Paula McGlynn - Part 1

Valentines Day Special ft. Sarang Sathye and Paula McGlynn - Part 1

Part 1: In this Valentines Day Special, co-founders of Bhadipa and real-life couple Sarang Sathye and Paula McGlynn talk about their relationship, their baby "BhaDiPa" and the third wheel in their company and relationship... Time for some relationship advice from this power couple... 

Follow Bingepods on Instagram for more updates.


Rima Amarapurkar and Team Bingepods

Part 1: In this Valentines Day Special, co-founders of Bhadipa and real-life couple Sarang Sathye and Paula McGlynn talk about their relationship, their baby "BhaDiPa" and the third wheel in their company and relationship... Time for some relationship advice from this power couple... 

Follow Bingepods on Instagram for more updates.


Rima Amarapurkar and Team Bingepods

comedy,bhadipa,marathi,valentine's day,