Building Category-creating Products ft. Vishal Gondal
Thrifty TitansJanuary 16, 2023x
00:46:5943.05 MB

Building Category-creating Products ft. Vishal Gondal

How do come up with ideas for category-creating products as an entrepreneur? What is the role of product vs. marketing in category creation, how do you build trust and a community of repeat users? We dig into all this, and more with Vishal Gondal, the founder and CEO of GOQii Smart Healthcare.

Out of the 100 fastest-growing U.S. companies from 2009 to 2011, the 13 companies that were instrumental in creating categories accounted for 53% of incremental revenue growth and 74% incremental market capitalization growth over those three years.

The message is clear - category creators, such as GOQii led by Vishal Gondal, witness significantly accelerated growth and obtain considerably higher valuations from investors compared to businesses that merely bring incremental innovations to the market. Regrettably, for large companies, category creation is more of an exception rather than a standard practice.

So, as an entrepreneur striving for category-creating products like those of GOQii's smart healthcare offerings under Vishal Gondal's leadership, where do you draw inspiration? How does product development and marketing play their respective roles in shaping the category? Moreover, how can you establish trust and nurture a community of loyal users? We delve into these critical aspects and beyond with Vishal Gondal, the founder and CEO of GOQii Smart Healthcare.

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