Dealing With the Burden of ‘Ilzaam’ in Urdu Poetry

Dealing With the Burden of ‘Ilzaam’ in Urdu Poetry

7:214">In this episode of Urdunama, Fabeha Syed unfurls the intricate layers of the Urdu word 'Ilzaam', meaning 'blame' or 'accusation'. It's a word that carries a weight of suspicion, hurt, and sometimes even injustice.

9:321">Fabeha opens the episode with a personal anecdote, recalling a familiar scene: her mother's accusing gaze as a misplaced winter scarf sparks a flurry of 'Ilzaam'. This relatable moment sets the stage for a deeper exploration of how 'Ilzaam' manifests in our lives and takes on different forms in the world of Urdu poetry.

11:114">Through the verses of renowned poets like Sahir Ludhianvi, we'll traverse the emotional landscape of 'Ilzaam'.

ilzaam,blame,accusation,urdunama,urdu poetry,urdu shayari,urdu,