The 'Tamasha' Must Go On : Are We Performing For The World?
UrdunamaAugust 19, 202300:13:26

The 'Tamasha' Must Go On : Are We Performing For The World?

Join Fabeha Syed on this episode of Urdunama as we delve deep into the concept of "tamasha" or spectacle. From Imtiaz Ali's storytelling to the nuances of human behavior, Fabeha guides us through the many meanings of "tamasha". It's not just about entertainment; it's about the myriad ways we perform for the world and even for ourselves, often forgetting our true essence.Tune in!

Join Fabeha Syed on this episode of Urdunama as we delve deep into the concept of "tamasha" or spectacle. From Imtiaz Ali's storytelling to the nuances of human behavior, Fabeha guides us through the many meanings of "tamasha".

It's not just about entertainment; it's about the myriad ways we perform for the world and even for ourselves, often forgetting our true essence.

Tune in! 

fabeha syed,urdunama,urdu poetry,urdu poetry podcast,urdu podcast,poetry podcast,tamasha,tamasha movie,tamasha meaning,imtiaz ali,