The Algorithm w/Hilke Schellmann
The Recruitment FlexFebruary 13, 202400:44:49

The Algorithm w/Hilke Schellmann

One of the most interesting and controversial book in the HR section in a long while! Hilke brings the investigative journalist and an industry outsider to her new book “The Algorithm: How AI decides who gets hired, monitored, promoted & fired & why we need to fight back now.” A fateful cab ride was the genesis of the book, when the Lyft driver was gobsmacked by being interviewed by a robot for a baggage handler job at the local airport, Hilke began her quest to learn more. The one-way video interview and its inevitable demise when HireVue’s claims of facial expressions to predict candidate’s honesty was proven to be crap. Talent Intelligence platforms like Eightfold can prove to be a positive force in helping organization know who to promote and like any double edge sword, cursed for its contribution on who should be laid off, How do we fight back? Hilke gives some sound advice to HR Leaders. Crystal ball predictions for 2030, sound pretty accurate to us!

One of the most interesting and controversial book in the HR section in a long while! Hilke brings the investigative journalist and an industry outsider to her new book “The Algorithm: How AI decides who gets hired, monitored, promoted & fired & why we need to fight back now.”

  • A fateful cab ride was the genesis of the book, when the Lyft driver was gobsmacked by being interviewed by a robot for a baggage handler job at the local airport, Hilke began her quest to learn more. 

  • The one-way video interview and its inevitable demise when HireVue’s claims of facial expressions to predict candidate’s honesty was proven to be crap.

  • Talent Intelligence platforms like Eightfold can prove to be a positive force in helping organization know who to promote and like any double edge sword, cursed for its contribution on who should be laid off, 

  • How do we fight back? Hilke gives some sound advice to HR Leaders. 

  • Crystal ball predictions for 2030, sound pretty accurate to us!