Episode 5: T.M. Krishna

Episode 5: T.M. Krishna

T.M. Krishna is a prolific musician, author and activist who also happens to be one of Aditya’s primary Karnatik music mentors and a mentor in the creation of ISOLASHUN. In this episode T.M.K. and Aditya discuss beauty, the inherent violence and discrimination in our conditioning of beauty, the effect of social media and technology on art and beauty, pushing the sonic palate of Karnatik music, and the importance of disturbance through art.

T.M. Krishna is a prolific musician, author and activist who also happens to be one of Aditya’s primary Karnatik music mentors and a mentor in the creation of ISOLASHUN. In this episode T.M.K. and Aditya discuss beauty, the inherent violence and discrimination in our conditioning of beauty, the effect of social media and technology on art and beauty, pushing the sonic palate of Karnatik music, and the importance of disturbance through art.