Business Headlines : Explained – The Story of Air India
HW News Business HeadlinesMarch 03, 202300:11:13

Business Headlines : Explained – The Story of Air India

If you like what you saw - follow me on Instagram @mr.talkstock and on YouTube @mr.talkstock7282 for more such content as well as short videos, memes & collaborations. The video discusses the history of Air India, how JRD Tata founded the airline, & how the government took it over under the garb of nationalization, only to return it to Ratan Tata after struggling to run it. We also discuss the decline of Air India under government control, with overpaid and over-perked employees, inefficient management, and crippling debt. Also covered is how the Modi government capitalized on a PR victory when Air India announced the biggest order of planes ever in the world. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

If you like what you saw - follow me on Instagram @mr.talkstock and on YouTube  @mr.talkstock7282  for more such content as well as short videos, memes & collaborations.

The video discusses the history of Air India, how JRD Tata founded the airline, & how the government took it over under the garb of nationalization, only to return it to Ratan Tata after struggling to run it. We also discuss the decline of Air India under government control, with overpaid and over-perked employees, inefficient management, and crippling debt. Also covered is how the Modi government capitalized on a PR victory when Air India announced the biggest order of planes ever in the world. 

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