Episode 3

Episode 3

नव्या गावी नव्याने व्यवसाय सुरु करणं, जम बसवणं अवघड होतं. भाऊंना शाळेत जाण्याचे वेध लागले होते. मात्र महापालिकेच्या शाळेची फीदेखील परवडत नव्हती. चिंचवडच्या फत्तेचंद जैन शाळेने भाऊंना शिक्षणाचा मार्ग खुला करुन दिला. It was difficult to start a new business and stabilise it in a new city. Bhau wanted to go to school but the family couldn't afford the fees even of the corporation-run school. His path to education was unlocked by Fatehchand Jain School in Chinchwad.

नव्या गावी नव्याने व्यवसाय सुरु करणं, जम बसवणं अवघड होतं. भाऊंना शाळेत जाण्याचे वेध लागले होते. मात्र महापालिकेच्या शाळेची फीदेखील परवडत नव्हती. चिंचवडच्या फत्तेचंद जैन शाळेने भाऊंना शिक्षणाचा मार्ग खुला करुन दिला.

It was difficult to start a new business and stabilise it in a new city. Bhau wanted to go to school but the family couldn't afford the fees even of the corporation-run school. His path to education was unlocked by Fatehchand Jain School in Chinchwad.