Lessons from Urdu Poetry to Prepare for the 'Imtihaan' of Life | Urdu Lovers | The Quint | Bingepods
Bingepods - VideosMarch 11, 202300:00:49

Lessons from Urdu Poetry to Prepare for the 'Imtihaan' of Life | Urdu Lovers | The Quint | Bingepods

Get ready to wake up early, switch off Instagram, and stock up on extra coffee packets, because exam season is approaching. While writing this episode, memories of my student life came back to haunt me. I'm glad I don't have to write any exams this year.

But you know what, the 'imtihaan' of life is never-ending. In this episode of Urdunama, I talk about the preparation tactics of great professors like Jaun Elia, Allama Iqbal, and Javed Akhtar. Tune in!

Streaming on @bingepods App & Web to listen to or wherever you get your podcast!

App Link: https://bingepods.app.link/7UH9xePm5ub

Web Link: https://bingepods.com/podcast/urdunama/episode/lessons-from-urdu-poetry-to-prepare-for-the-imtihaan-of-life

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